Career as an independent real estate advisor

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Being a real estate advisor has several advantages when working in a structure or for a network of agencies. Material input, company reputation, and sales commissions are the main reasons. However, some real estate specialists are starting to go on their own to increase their profit and extend their influence in a chosen prospecting area.

Is it possible for people wishing to start in real estate to start as self-employed ones? Yes, they can do it completely independently.


What is a real estate advisor?

The real estate advisor is considered to be the intermediary between a person selling real estate and potential buyers. Its mission is to find properties for sale, visit them, draw up a technical portrait of the premises, design a sales pitch, etc.

What do you need to become an advisor?

You should know that real estate trades are very supervised, strict rules must be observed. To become an agent, it will be necessary to obtain a BTS in real estate or a BAC+3 in law, economics, or commerce. Suppose the person wishes to take another route. In that case, it will then be necessary to exercise 10 years in the profession under the direction of a real estate agent holding a valid transaction card. The conditions for obtaining this status are shortened to four years if the person is an executive and three years if they have obtained their baccalaureate.

How to practice as an independent agent?

As a real estate consultant, you differentiate yourself from the negotiator and the agent who are affiliated with a structure or a real estate agent as employees and who must follow prerogatives. Their income also depends on the contract signed as an employee.

For your part, as a self-employed person, you are able to be mobile in your service provision to be able to adapt your offer and increase the chances of winning a sales contract. By being totally autonomous, the only limits imposed are those that could be imposed on you by the agencies with which you have chosen to work. Commercial strategy, brand image, and specific conditions of sale. Apart from these restrictions, operating as a self-employed person allows you to:

  • Define your own strategy and choose your customers.
  • Negotiate your fees in the context of consultations as well as the amount of the commission on the sale.
  • Adapt your pace of work if your professional activity is secondary or main.


As a self-employed person, you work on your own account and provide a number of services. By making a sale, the independent agent receives his commission during the validation of the monetary transaction during the execution of the contract signed between the seller and the buyer. He estimated that the commission received by independent real estate agents is around 3% to 6% on the final sale price.

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