Plumbing And Gas Solutions

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Repairs & Maintenance For Gas Hot Water

A gas water heater lasts for about a decade if you can take care of it properly. And it doesn’t have to be too elaborate. Just follow a few simple rules like checking the plug and the pressure release now and then, switch it off whenever possible, and other simple procedures. If you feel there is any problem with your gas hot water, just contact us at Great Northern Plumbing to relieve all your plumbing tension.

Instant Gas Hot Water Systems

This is the most efficient system of heating water as you can use large amounts of hot water, that too at a price comparatively lower than a traditional hot water tank. It has a sleek design and therefore fits your bathroom wall without taking up much space.

Here are the plumbing and gas solutions to your instant water heater operated by gas:

Relight The Knob

You need to turn off the knob situated on your heater’s gas valve. If you need to service the water heater, This is a precautionary measure to safeguard yourself from electrocution. The access panel needs to be opened up and the knob will then be relighted. This procedure needs precision and should be done by the Great Northern Plumbing service provider.

Conduct A Miniature Flush

The impurities present in the water pipes can lower the lifespan of your gas heater by causing rusting and corrosion to the pipe. You can do this miniature flush once every six months to add life to your water heater. Keep a bucket under the drain pipe of the heater and turn the valve anticlockwise. You are to release two gallons of water in this process and then you ought to proceed to close the valve by turning it clockwise.

Conduct A  Temperature And Pressure Valve Test

A temperature and pressure valve opens up in case extreme pressure or temperature gets built up in the unit of the water heater. It is imperative to keep a yearly check on this valve, ensuring that you are not exposed to a future hazard. You should keep a bucket under the tube connected with this valve after which the lever of the valve is to be held higher. Hot water will pour into the bucket for a few seconds after which you need to let go of the valve. Closing it by doing so. If there is leakage from the discharge pipe or the valve doesn’t open at all. It needs an urgent replacement. Calling for the plumber will be apt.

Get The Anode Rod Changed Every Four Years

The Anode Rod is placed strategically so that the unit of the water does not get eroded. The Anode Rod faces corrosion. Hence this rod is to be replaced with a new one after every four years. The longevity of your water heater will stay intact.


Great Northern Plumbing is a team of reputable and experienced plumbers dealing with all your water woes. An instant gas water heater is safe to use when compared to the previous methods of heating water. You don’t have an upper limit to the amount of water that can be heated in a single-use. It doesn’t take much time to make the water heated too. Frequent maintenance will save you from buying a new water heater before the designated time. Just get the plumbing and gas service and save your budget from getting frequent large amounts of relocation to the purchase of gas water heaters. Have you called for your water heater’s servicing yet?

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